Work completed by AJEM at the Roumieh central prison:

1-ÂAwareness program in prison(for new prisoners who are entering and in particular those having committed crimes related to drugs):

Individual consultation and counseling on the different programs available for drug control

Evaluation of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI)

Motivational interview

2-ÂLegal interventions:

Legal advice and representation

Work on the reform of the Drugs Law in order to find alternatives to incarceration for drug use

3-ÂMedical, psychological and social interventions:

Prevention of infectious diseases:

IEC (Information, Education and Communication) on HIV, Hepatitis B and C, STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease), different interventions for risk reduction, tattoos

VCT (voluntary counseling and testing of AIDS)

Protection of MSM (Men having Sex with Men) and rape victims.

Treatment of associated comorbidities:

Treatment of psychological and psychiatric comorbidities

Treatment of AIDS and Hepatitis C O

Cognitive behavioral rehabilitation centre for drug users at the Roumieh prison

Launching of the OST (Opioid Substitution Treatment)

4- Continuation of care after being released:

Support for a social and professional reintegration

Association with existing drug control programs

Drop-in centre

Temporary accommodation

5- Research and training:

Seminars and training to raise the awareness of decision-makers and professionals in the areas of health and justice.

Researches to obtain better operational results