Hope for another human being

Association of justice and mercy

Strategies for change


The vision of “Justice and Mercy Association” is a world where every individual is treated with respect, dignity, and justice. The association aspires to a world free of torture and oppression, where human rights are respected and protected without discrimination. It aims to promote understanding, empathy, and solidarity among communities and deepen the culture of acceptance and inclusion.


“Justice and Mercy Association” (AJEM) is committed to supporting human rights and the dignity of all individuals. Through education and support, it seeks to eradicate torture and all forms of cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, as well as advocating for the abolition of the death penalty and ensuring the rights of prisoners, drug addicts, the LGBTQ+ community, displaced persons and refugees, asylum seekers, and patients and carriers of HIV.
The association works tirelessly to ensure justice, equality, and compassion for those who are marginalized and vulnerable in our society.


1. Human Dignity: “Justice and Mercy Association” believes in the intrinsic value and dignity of every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances.
2. Justice: The association advocates for justice, equality, and accountability in our society and within our legal systems.
3. Compassion: “Justice and Mercy Association” is committed to compassion and understanding in its work, directly reaching the inherent humanity of those it serves.
4. Integrity: The association upholds the highest ethical standards in all aspects of its work, ensuring transparency and accountability.
5. Solidarity: “Justice and Mercy Association” stands in solidarity with the marginalized and oppressed, working with them to effect positive change.
6. Empowerment: The association empowers individuals to advocate for their rights and enhance their independence and resilience.


  • To enhance the penal justice system and seek change in the level of respect for basic human rights.
  • To prepare prisoners for reintegration into society.
  • To stimulate first-hand mechanisms of freedom deprivation to convey basic humanitarian principles and values.
  • To ensure the right to a fair trial and proper detention conditions.
  • To ensure the rights of refugees in detention or at risk of detention.
  • To ensure detainees get proper health, social, psychological, and legal care.
  • To advocate against acts of torture and other degrading treatments opposing basic human rights.
  • To advocate against the death penalty.

This is a new space dedicated to allowing coming together under Justice and Mercy, the two main pillars of the society of peace to which we aspire.

It is a collective experience, full of joys and deceptions, that we wish to share with you. Our work with the most disadvantaged, prisoners, drug users, foreigners, the sick, AIDS-positive individuals, and prisoners on death row as well as their families, encourages us to always give more of ourselves to be able to address the different needs.

Our multidisciplinary team is here to listen, to analyze, not to over-dramatize and to find solutions, so that the incarceration period could be put to profit. Behind prison walls, a society parallel to ours is formed with its hierarchical systems, its laws, and its injustices. Our team members go to the other side of these walls to listen, support, defend, attend, and testify.

Believing in the capacities and immense richness of each individual keeps us always striving to serve and meet the enormous challenge ours. We have faith in the boundlessness of the person, or in other terms, in his unlimited character and continuous growth.

Our project seeks to be a reflection of every individual who makes of himself a project in constant evolution.

AJEM will continue to promote forgiveness and reconciliation: not to hate but to understand. Not to erase the mistake, but to erase anger, humiliation, and vengeance. Beyond barriers and prejudices, to support and to raise consciousness.

Father Hadi Aya

A Necessary Change… For a Better World
On the occasion of its silver jubilee (2023), the Association Justice and Mercy launched the motto “We have not and will not tire…”
Indeed, we have not and will not tire in the struggle to uphold the wavering human rights, day after day, particularly in these challenging times. Currently, we are plagued by conflicts, disputes, and wars that dominate our thoughts, minds, and morale. These wars, sweeping across the world, especially in our region and country, have driven us to persist in combating torture and violence and to extend a helping hand to prison inmates, those enslaved by drugs, and those undergoing treatment for addiction.
When we cast our gaze beyond the seas, we feel that our world is troubled, seething, consumed by defeats, frustration, and fear for countless reasons. However, when we look through the eyes of faith, hope, and optimism, our vision and outlook change because it is these virtues that drive us to overcome trials, difficulties, tests, and conflicts.
Today, our “humanity” must be comprehensive and firmly rooted in both mind and soul, reinforcing the spirit of solidarity, cooperation, and goodwill. Our “world” needs a moment of reflection, a pause to set things right by confronting the challenge represented by human and moral values, and by moving away from a culture of exploitation, enslavement, and contempt for religions, peoples, civilizations, and diverse cultures. The “message” of our world today is to effect a change in the lives of individuals and society, to improve them through positive human initiatives pursued by charitable and social organizations, where human and moral values are embodied.
Our “world” needs to be reminded of those virtues that help a person understand their humanity, appreciate their existence, and make it easier for them to perceive and comprehend the world. Let us build a culture of mercy and work on it, making it “tangible” and “lived.” Let us open our hearts to human suffering and respect it, so we may heal its wounds as much as possible. Be convinced that mercy is about giving “a second chance to the repentant sinner,” who has chosen to return to a righteous life, after being rehabilitated, accompanied, and followed up on all levels. Let us believe that a repentant person can transform, repentance, and renewal if we grant them trust, presence, and love.
Let us make our era one of mercy, not one of exclusion, condemnation, and cancellation.
Does the human being of our time deserve mercy despite all that we witness each day?
Mercy is essential to apply justice, so let us together build a mercy of love and a justice of truth.

Father Dr. Najib Baaklini

President of the Association

تغيير لا بدّ منه … من أجل عالم أفضل

لمناسبة احتفالها باليوبيل الفضي لتأسيسها (2023) أطلقت جمعيّة عدل ورحمة شعار “لم ولن نكِلّ …”
بالفعل لم ولن نكل في النضال لتطبيق حقوق الإنسان المترنحة، يومًا بعد يوم، لا سيّما في هذا الزمن الصعب. راهنًا، نُعاني من الصراعات والمنازعات والحروب الطاغية على تفكيرنا وعقلنا ومعنوياتنا. تلك الحروب التي تجتاح العالم، لا سيّما في منطقتنا وبلادنا، دفعتنا إلى النضال والإصرار على مكافحة التعذيب والعنف ومدّ يد المساعدة والعون لنزلاء السجون والمرتهنين للمخدِّرات والذين يُعالجون منها. عندما نجول بنظرنا ، وراء البحار ، نشعر بأن عالمنا مضطرب ومتأجج تتأكله الهزائم والإحباط والخوف، لأسباب لا تُحصى، لكن عندما نتطلع بعيون الإيمان والرجاء والأمل، تتبدل رؤيتنا ونظرتنا لأن الأمل والرجاء يحدُوَانا لتخطي المحن والصعوبات والاختبارات والصراعات.
اليوم، مطلوب من “إنسانيّتنا” أن تكون شاملة وراسخة في النفس والعقل، وتقوية روح التعاضد والتعاون وحُبّ الخير . يحتاج “عالمنا” إلى وقفة أمام الذات لوضع الأمور في نصابها من خلال التحدّي المُتمثّل في القيم الإنسانيّة والأخلاقية، والابتعاد عن ثقافة الاستغلال والاستعباد واحتقار الديانات والشعوب والحضارات والثقافات المتنوّعة. و”رسالة” عالمنا اليوم هي إحداث تغيير في حياة الأفراد والمجتمع وتحسينها من الناحية الإنسانيّة الإيجابيّة التي تعمل عليها منظمات وجمعيّات خيريّة واجتماعيّة، وتتجلى عبرها القيم الإنسانيّة والأخلاقيّة. يحتاج “عالمنا” إلى التذكير بتلك الفضائل التي تُساعد الإنسان على أن يفهم إنسانيّته ويُقدّر وجودَه ويُسهّل عليه رؤية العالم وإدراكه.
لنبن ثقافة الرحمة ونعمل عليها ، بجعلها « ملموسةً» و«معاشةً». لنفتح قلوبنا على مصائب الإنسان واحترامه، لكي نداوي جراحاته قدر المستطاع. لنقتنع أن الرحمة هي إعطاء « فرصة جديدة للمذنب التائب » الذي قرر العودة إلى حياة الصلاح، بعد تأهيله ومرافقته ومتابعته على جميع الصعد. لنؤمن أن الإنسان التائب قادرٌ على التحوّل والإرتداد والتجدد، في حال
أعطيناه الثقة والحضور والمحبّة.
لنصنع من عصرنا عصر الرحمة، وليس عصر الإقصاء والدينونة والإلغاء.
يستحق إنسان عصرنا الرحمة على الرغم مما نشهده كلّ يوم ؟
الرحمة ضروريّة لتطبيق العدالة، لنبن معًا رحمة الحبّ وعدالة الحق.

الأب الدكتور نجيب بعقليني

رئيس الجمعيّة

Our services

Legal Department
  1. Free individual legal counseling for prisoners.
  1. Legal advice services at the AJEM Reception House for prisoners’ families and loved ones.
  1. Awareness-raising about important legal topics and information concerning the issues relevant to the detainees’ needs.
  1. Follow up on the legal cases and files of prisoners unable to hire a  lawyer.
Psychology Department
  1. Psychological assessment and follow-ups.
  1. Individual and group interventions.
  1. Counselling.
  1. Psycho education about mental health and psychological problems.
Social Department
  1. Individual, family, and group intervention.
  1. Connecting the detainee with his/her family.
  1. Facilitating the adaptation of the inmate in prison.
  1. Follow up on the reintegration of the inmate back into society.
  1. Evaluating the needs of the inmates and providing necessities.
  1. Organizing physical and academic education, music, and fun activities.
  1. Detecting community emergencies and collaborating with ISF to resolve them.
Health Department
  1. Providing Opioid Substitution Treatment for drug users within a Harm Reduction program in cooperation with the Ministry of Health.
  1. Providing free Voluntary Counselling Test (VCT) for HIV and Hepatitis C.
  1. Availability of a medical and paramedical team to address the needs of prisoners.
  1. Working with parents to ensure the continuity of healthcare (purchase of medications, medical consultation, etc.)
  1. Purchasing of medications as needed.
  1. IEC (education/information/communication) sessions
  1. Coordination with ISF for promoting health and getting medication especially for HIV and Hepatitis C prisoners.
Research & Advocacy
  1. Researching Human rights
  2. Cooperating with various local and international partners to provide and maintain the best type of human rights protection.
AJEM teams conduct monthly visits to all prisons in Lebanon.

The number of visits to each location varies depending on the number of prisoners incarcerated and on the number of newly and recently detained people. Upon the team’s arrival to the prison, the administration gives them a list with the names of the new detainees, which allows the team to organize, plan and meet individually with each incarcerated person to identify their personal, social, psychological and legal needs as well as any personal or physical violation they might have experienced during the arrest and their imprisonment.

Given this access and experience since 1998, AJEM has realized that most people, even inmates themselves, view prisons as place of punishment and act accordingly. AJEM has realized since the importance of advocating and working studiously to make penitentiaries in Lebanon the places for rehabilitation they should be.

Our Partners